California bicyclist hit by vehicle

California bicyclist hit by vehicle
Although riding a bicycle is an excellent way to exercise and can help save money, when a car hits a bicyclist it can lead to serious injuries and even loss of life. In San Francisco, there are busy streets and a lot of bicyclists, so everyone on the road should be vigilant and try to avoid a bike accident at all costs. When these types of accidents take place, they are particularly dangerous and often cause life-threatening injuries. After being struck by a vehicle while riding his bike, a 72-year-old man from Morro Bay was taken to the hospital with very significant injuries. The accident, which took place on Highway 1 right before 13th street, occurred in the evening at roughly 6:18 p.m. The driver, who also resides in Morro Bay, told authorities that he noticed the man on the right side of the road before the bicyclist took a left turn, which was right into the path of his vehicle. The driver was not arrested by the California Highway Patrol. When a bicycle crash occurs, it can create a number of problems for both the driver and bicyclist. In addition to significant injuries and death, it can interrupt work and cause financial devastation for those involved and their families as well. When dealing with physical pain or losing a loved one, hospital bills and funeral expenses can be extremely costly and difficult for people. If you are struggling with a bike crash, talking to a legal professional could be a good idea.


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