California’s “Project Walk” Improves The Spinal-Cord-Injury Outlook

California’s “Project Walk” Improves The Spinal-Cord-Injury Outlook Those with spinal cord injuries in California have a new option when choosing a physical therapy center or gym. Project Walk is a non-profit gym offering a different style of therapy for those with limited mobility resulting from a spinal cord injury. The Project Walk staff claims that they work on the entire body, even the muscles or limbs that aren’t ever used or even felt. The gym uses specialized staff and equipment to help work these parts of the body that other physical therapy programs might ignore. Many clients claim that this type of exercise has significantly improved their quality of life and health. Many of Project Walk’s clientele are paraplegic and quadriplegic and, though they cannot walk, they still report feeling better; they enjoy more endurance and have better balance. Of the 250,000 Americans with spinal cord injuries, 52 percent are paraplegic and 47 percent are quadriplegic. Spinal cord injuries are far too common and often result from accidents of all types. Nearly 11,000 new spinal cord injuries occur each year in the U.S. and 40 percent of these injuries were sustained in motor vehicle accidents. Car crashes are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries. Other common causes include sports-related injuries, swimming accidents, and violence or physical assault. People over age 65 who injure their spinal cord usually do it while falling down. Almost 90 percent of those diagnosed with a spinal cord injury are released from medical care to a private home. Those in recovery at home can benefit hugely from a physical therapy program like Project Walk. The medical expenses, rehabilitation, pain, and suffering resulting from a spinal injury can be overwhelming. If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury resulting from someone else’s negligence, contact an experienced spinal cord injury lawyer to discuss what legal roads to recourse you may have. A spinal cord injury victim already has enough to worry about; the financial costs of such a serious injury should not be the victim’s burden.


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