Good News: Statistics Show a Steep Drop in Fatal Accidents Involving Motorcycles in California

Good News: Statistics Show a Steep Drop in Fatal Accidents Involving Motorcycles in California
Every motorcyclist knows that there are certain dangers that go along with getting on the road in a motorcycle. Motorcyclists must contend with car and truck drivers who, too often, fail to keep a lookout for motorcycles on the road, and they face the risk of very serious harm if they are in an accident. When that happens, motorcyclists’ cases require unique knowledge and keen legal skills to get the results a motorcyclist needs. To give yourself the best chance of success, be sure to contact an experienced San Mateo motorcycle injury attorney about your accident. Earlier this year, The Mercury News reported on some very good news for motorcyclists. Statistics showed that the number of fatal motorcycle accidents in California has declined dramatically. In 2016, 586 bikers lost their lives due to accidents on California roads. In 2017, that number dipped to 406. California’s nearly 30% reduction was well ahead of the national average, which saw a dip of 5.6% across the same period. There are several factors that have influenced this downward trend, according to the report. One relates to law enforcement, where CHP has begun engaging in extra patrols every spring and summer. These patrols focus on speeding, tailgating, improper lane changes and unsafe turns. Another influence on the reduction of biker deaths is a change in the law. California has become the first state in the union to legalize “lane splitting,” a practice in which a biker may drive between lanes of traffic if he/she is traveling at a speed below 50 mph. No fewer than 14 other states are considering following California’s lead and passing lane-splitting laws. If you have been injured as a motorcyclist in a vehicle crash, you know that sometimes things can be stacked against you. Witness descriptions and even police reports may be unfairly biased against you because of your choice of transportation. In many cases, though, the driver who was truly to blame for a motorcycle-versus-passenger-vehicle accident was the car/truck driver, not the biker. Often, these kinds of accidents happen because the passenger vehicle driver did not keep a proper lookout and did not spot the motorcycle in a timely manner. The result is an accident caused by, for example, an improper left turn or unsafely backing out into a roadway. Success in your auto accident case as a motorcyclist relies upon many things. It relies upon getting the right evidence from the accident scene, so that knowledgeable accident reconstruction experts can analyze the skid marks, the road debris and other proof to show that the other driver was the person who was at fault. It also requires putting together all that evidence in a compelling and persuasive presentation. If you are injured as a motorcyclist in an accident, you need legal counsel who understands the unique needs of a motorcyclist’s case and knows how to get results for bikers. The experienced San Mateo motorcycle injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Galine, Frye, Fitting & Frangos have been helping injured bikers and their loved ones achieve positive results for many years. To set up a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys, contact us at 650-345-8484 or through our website. More Blog Posts: California Appeals Court Upholds $2.4M Judgment for Seriously Injured Southern California Motorcyclist, San Mateo Injury Lawyers Blog, published March 6, 2018 A Confusing Malibu Restaurant Exit and a Confused Tourist Combine to Cause a Fatal Accident Along the PCH, San Mateo Injury Lawyers Blog, published January 19, 2018


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